Monday, October 07, 2013

Wireless Worries Washed Away

For the amount of times we have people over the house that want to use my WIFI, giving out my super-secret hidden SSID and complex security passcode isn't a hassle. But I am giving out my super-secret hidden SSID and complex security passcode! Which means these people could at any time park inconspicuously outside my house on our dead-end cul-de-sac road and steal WIFI access siphoning off precious bandwidth and accessing nefarious web sites.

Of course, I'm not really worried about that, but with DD-WRT running, I can easily set up a second visible guest network ... so why not?

There are plenty of guides out there - some better than others. I won't create my own here. I did find the DD-WRT Wiki the most useful of all the links I visited.

I used the GUI to set it up. I created the second visible guest SSID. I used the same security - this time with an easy password. I created the bridge and assigned the bridge group. I created the secondary DHCP service. I tested and all was working well.

I was a bit confused about the DHCP setup, so I'll detail that here. I followed the step to create a secondary DHCP service for the guest network under "Setup" -> "Networking" tabs in the GUI. However, they mention DNSMasq and I knew I was running the primary DHCP service (found on "Setup" -> "Basic Setup") without DNSMasq enabled.

Ultimately, I enabled DNSMasq by going to "Setup" -> "Basic Setup" and clicking the check box for "Use DNSMasq for DHCP" and then enabling DNSMasq on the "Setup" -> "Services" tab by clicking the "Enable" radio button next to "DNSMasq". I did not enter the additional DNSMaq configuration into the text box like the Wiki shows. I didn't need to. A verification from the command line proved this:

root@DD-WRT:/tmp# more dnsmasq.conf

The above DNSMasq config shows my primary LAN (lan = and the new guest LAN (br1 = set up to hand out addresses, default gateways and DNS servers.

I didn't bother with any additional iptables rules. Tests revealed I could not connect from the guest LAN to the primary LAN and vice-versa - which is what I want.

Now we just need to invite some more Internet-savvy guests over!

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